We are a certified MCA recruitment and placement agency
What is the MLC?
The MLC is an important convention that harmonises labour standards for seafarers across ratified flag states. One of the key purposes of the MLC is to protect seafarers and to ensure they understand their rights.
General Scope of the MLC:
Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship.
Conditions of employment.
Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering.
Health and protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection.
Compliance and enforcement.
Regulation 1.4 of the MLC provides standards for the operation of recruitment and placement agencies in the maritime industry. The purpose of Reg 1.4 is:
All seafarers shall have access to an efficient and accountable system for finding employment on board a ship without charge to the seafarer; Seafarer recruitment and placement services operating in signatory member’s territory shall conform to the standards set out in the MLC; Each member shall ensure that in respect of seafarers who work on ships that fly its flag, that ship-owners who use seafarer recruitment and placement services that are based in countries or territories in which the MLC does not apply, nevertheless will ensure that those services conform to the requirements set out in the MLC.
Why do we think MLC certification a good thing?
MLC compliance provides a framework which is designed to protect seafarers’ rights at work. Whilst the MLC was primarily put in place to benefit – and protect – those who work at sea against unfair treatment, utilising MLC 2006 and in particular using an MLC compliant staffing agency can bring a wide range of benefits.
Correctly Certified Crew
An MLC compliant agency will ensure all crew working on board your vessels are fully certified – both to legal minimums and also to your particular policies and need. This means you needn’t get involved in checking certs – a good crewing agent will always handle this paperwork and ensure those working on board your vessels are both safe and legal to start work.
Peace of Mind
Part of MLC compliance is ensuring that crew never have to pay for recruitment services – so a compliant organisation will never charge its seafarers any fees for placement. We will also ensure that seafarers are paid as outlined in their employment contracts.
Complaints Handled with Care
We take your concerns seriously and will do all we can to assist you as quickly as possible via our complaints procedure which can be found here